50 Words for Grief
I wrote this book to handle my grief, and with the hope of helping others with theirs. I hide behind it even still, as if by writing this and making it public my grief will be held in it instead of in my heart and hands. It still is good, and feels like a gospel to a brother who had tried to write a collection of poems titled "50 words for suicide" before dying of the same.
You can buy it if you'd like, but if you know me enough to see me or to have my contact. Please feel free to ask me for it, I wrote it for you.
50 Words for Grief on Amazon
My old Playwrighting blog is where to go for info on my plays! Includes some play a day challenges I've done after the death of my brother, and some other half started projects. Maybe to become half finished projects one day!
If you wish to use any of my writing from this cite for inspiration you are welcome to it!
For profit, contact me prior to use.
I have one book published, as noted above. And am working on more! Linked here are some works of my own
An Alien in New York
A work in progress about someone who has lived many lives getting reincarnated into the modern era and for the first time remembering all his past lives. He gets caught up in a billionaire driven cult, with the international court of justice, and in the currents of his own mind in therapy.
Sacraficial Crop
The efforts of my first novel, whose first draft taught me the many lessons of editing and story planning. It tells the story of a futuristic distopia where some of humanity is reserved for sacrifice via a bloodthirsty universal conquest, in order to protect the many. It follows one future conquest, a gardening planet of large insectoid bugs called Iels, and the gardens they tend to on their planet.
The Other American Tragedy
An eco horror novel set on the Adirondack lake known best for the "the American tragedy' A lovers tryst turned murder that gained popularity as a novel in the early 20th century. This book focuses in on the local population of a summer season kind of town, when the lakehouses are empty and the lake is thawing there is all the more room for the things that come out of the ice and the woods.